Friday, January 24, 2020

John Sirica and The Ammidown Murder Essay examples -- Law

When I discovered that my English class had to do a Research Paper, I became horrified. I thought students only did this when they were finishing graduate school not when they were starting their first year in college. All I knew about research papers was that there is an overwhelming amount of research to do. In my efforts to complete this obstacle and not bore myself to sleep with researching, I wanted to do an interesting topic, but I had no idea where to begin. I spent hours going through a great number of subjects and people, but once I found topic remotely interesting, I could not find much information on the Library of Congress website. Therefore, I decided to choose one word that would hopefully lead me to an interesting topic. I set my search limits to manuscripts and searched the word murder. There, the first name at the top of the page was Sirica, John . John J. Sirica spent his younger years at Georgetown University studying law. He worked in a small law firm as an attorney, but became active in Republican Party politics. In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower nominated him, as the chief judge for the U.S. District Court for D.C. Being chief judge; Sirica did not use traditional methods in the courts, but instead used his own technique of getting to the bottom of the truth. He played a famous role in the Watergate Scandal and in the murder trial of Robert Louis Ammidown. Finally, I found an interesting topic that was worth sticking with. The court case United States v. Ammidown was fascinating to me, so I immersed myself into finding sources to support my research topic. I was able to find secondary sources on the Montgomery College Catalog and through Google News. The Free Lance-Star pertaining to the case ...,6511498 (accessed April 19, 2012). The police were on a search for Tony Lee who was accused of murder in the death of Linda Ammidown. The Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg), "Tony Lee Convicted of Murder." May 25, 1972.,4982008&dq=tony+lee+convicted&hl=en (accessed April 4, 2012). This contains an article on the conviction of Tony Lee by the chief Judge John Sirica. The Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg), "Two Brothers Charged in Ammidown Murder." March 16, 1972.,2169052 (accessed April 11, 2012). Richard Lee and Ralph Lee were arrested and charged for the murder of Linda Ammidown.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Sum Total of the Equipment of the Human Individual

Culture in ancient times was defined as â€Å"the sum total of the equipment of the human individual, which enables him to be attuned to his immediate environment on the historical past on the other†. It reflects in effect what humans have added to Nature. It comprises the spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a society and includes, in addition to the arts and letters, the value systems, traditions, modes of life and beliefs of the society. It also absorbs from other cultures and undergoes changes with time, sometimes beneficial, sometimes regressive. (Barlas, 15). Culture shock is a severe psychological reaction that results from adjusting to the realities of a society radically different from one†s own. The actual degree of culture shock may vary depending on the differences and similarities between the society studied and the persons† own society. The symptoms may range from mild irritation to surprise or disgust. (Scupin, 124). Usually after the person experiencing culture shock learns the norms, beliefs, and practices of the community, the psychological disorientation of culture shock begins to diminish. This paper will be based upon culture shock and international business. There are three areas where culture shock could affect you: 1. Emotions-you have to cope with the stress of international work and keeping an emotional balance in order to perform in a business. 2. Thinking style- you have to understand how your counterparts think and be able to develop culturally effective solutions. 3. Social skills and social identity- you need effective social skills to establish new business relationships. (Marx, 25). This differs from manager to manager, some managers seem to adapt in an almost chameleon –like way to different countries, whereas others cling desperately to their habits and their national approaches. Working in a new culture can produce a variety of reactions, such as; Inappropriate social behavior Inability to get close to your business partner and clinch the deal All of the above are possible reactions to culture shock, the shock we experience when we are confronted with the unknown the â€Å"foreign†. The term culture shock was coined by the anthropologists Oberg, who explained both the symptoms and the process of adapting to a different culture. The experience of a new culture is seen as an unpleasant surprise or shock- a shock that occur when expectations do not coincide with reality. (Marx, 5). In his original article, Oberg lists six main aspects of culture shock: 1. Strain caused by the effort to adapt. 2. Sense of loss and feelings of deprivation in relation to friends, status, profession and possessions. 3. Feeling rejected by or rejecting members of the new culture. 4. Confusion in role, values and self-identity. 5. Anxiety and even disgust/anger about foreign practices. 6. Feelings of helplessness, not being able to cope with the new environment. Culture shock in all its diverse form is completely normal and is part of a successful process of adaptation. Oberg also developed a model of adaptation that suggests that going abroad or working internationally put you through or cycle of distinct phases on the way to final adaptations. The first stage is the honeymoon phase, where all encounters in a new place are seen as exciting, positive and stimulating. The new life is viewed as providing endless opportunities and the manager is usually in a state of exhilaration. There is openness and curiosity, combined with a readiness to accept whatever comes. Most importantly, at this stage judgment is reserved and even minor irritations are suppressed in favor of concentrating on the n ice things about the job, the country, the colleagues, the food, etc. In the second phase, culture shock sets in- the manager realizes that something is not quite right. This experience of foreignness can start with a creeping awareness of disorientation and a feeling of not quite knowing what is going on. It can also include very negative symptoms, such as stress (being unable to sleep or eat), irritability, and a negative view of the job, the country and colleagues. This phase is characterized by a general unease that can involve being uncomfortable with the new situation but can border on hating everything foreign. The main reason for these symptoms is an uncertainty about our surroundings our future and ourselves. The usual signs if orientation and belonging do not exist, we don†t quite know who we are without the familiar social context, and the way our foreign colleagues behave seems all wrong. How individual managers deal with this particular phase and its emotions, thinking and expectations are essential for their overall adaptation in the long run. The ideal approach is to use the symptoms and the unpleasantness as a clear indicator that it is time to change our approach and to engage in some form of self-development both in dealing with our emotions and in understanding ourselves and others. The worst type of approach is to ignore the symptoms, to resort to superficial solutions or to adapt a rigid stance of believing that only out methods are correct and forcing these methods/management techniques on foreign colleagues. The third phase of recovery usually starts with accepting that we have a problem and that we have to work on it. Both recovery and the final adjustment phase usually involve a compromise between the feeling and thinking of the honeymoon phase and the culture shock phase. This compromise is between our exaggerated expectations and reality. In the final, adjustment stage managers are able to work effectively, know the limitations ways of doing things and most importantly, are able to be more flexible. (Marx, 8).

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Exploring Shakespeares Presentation of the Theme of...

Exploring Shakespeares Presentation of the Theme of Power in The Tempest In The Tempest, power manifests itself in many different forms. Three of the main types of power that Shakespeare explores are the power of love, the power of magic and illusion and the power of a master over his slave. He presents these forms of power in a number of ways. In The Tempest Prospero appears to hold the majority of the power. He maintains his control over other characters in various ways, for example he uses the power of love to influence his daughter Miranda. Miranda is devoted to her father, and Prospero uses guilt to maintain this. In their first conversation, Prospero?s power over Miranda becomes†¦show more content†¦Although Prospero forbade Miranda from telling Ferdinand her name, he knew that they would inevitably fall in love. He does not want Miranda to appear as a prize that can be easily won, saying ?I must uneasy make, lest too light winning/ Make the prize light? and he instigates his authority by creating rules for Miranda and also treating Ferdinand as he would a slave, ordering him to ?Come! I?ll manacle thy neck and feet together?. Although Ferdinand is a prince, he must bow to Prospero?s authority, similarly to the characters of Ariel and Caliban. Prospero has control over his slave Ariel, whom he controls by the promise of freedom. This type of master-slave power is a dominant form of power within ?The Tempest?. Ariel is a spirit who is, similarly to Miranda, devoted to Prospero. He says to Prospero ?All hail, great master, great sir, hail!? The repetition makes it seem dramatic and joyful, emphasising Ariel?s devotion to Prospero, and the fact that he will do whatever Prospero asks of him. As with Miranda, Prospero also controls Ariel using guilt, saying ?dost thou forget/ from what a torment I did free thee from... thy groans did make wolves howl? This causes Ariel feel as though he is at Prospero?s service, with Shakespeare using terrifying imagery to remind us of the anguish Ariel had facedShow MoreRelatedDiscuss the Timeless Quality of Shakespeares Sonnets1881 Words   |  8 PagesDiscuss the timele ss quality of Shakespeare’s sonnets Shakespeare’s sonnets are lively reflections on love and time, these two themes seem to be the principal themes of Shakespeare’s sonnets and he returns to them again and again each time exploring them in a lively and personal matter. The theme of love and time are two themes that are timeless and still today, appeal to the modern reader. Shakespeare reveals how nerve wracking a relationship can be, but he also shows how love is ultimately theRead More William Faulkners Use of Shakespeare Essay5388 Words   |  22 Pagescarrying around with me† (FIU 67). Faulkner’s recorded interviews and conversations contain references to a number of Shakespeares works and characters, including Hamlet, Macbeth, Henry IV, Henry V, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Romeo and Juliet, the sonnets, Falstaff, Prince Hal, Lady Macbeth, Bottom, Ophelia, and Mercutio. In 1947 he told an Ole Miss English class that Shakespeare’s work provides â€Å"a casebook on mankind,† a dding, â€Å"if a man has a great deal of talent he can use Shakespeare as a yardstick†Read MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words   |  116 Pagesof all. Only in summer days of highest feather did its mood touch the level of gaiety. Intensity was more usually reached by way of the solemn than by way of the brilliant, and such a sort of intensity was often arrived at during winter darkness, tempests, and mists. Then Egdon was aroused to reciprocity; for the storm was its lover, and the wind its friend. Then it became the home of strange phantoms; and it was found to be the hitherto unrecognized original of those wild regions of obscurity which